Overall, the story isn’t horrible, but that’s the extent of the good in it.
I had a lot of issues with this book. Most of the issues originated from the similarities between Remembrance, Twilight and Pride & Prejudice. The similarities between Remembrance and Twilight ended by the 50% mark, but the similarities between Remembrance and Pride & Prejudice were prevalent throughout the whole story. It also didn’t help that the author kept bringing up the story and had Lizzy make comparisons of her classmates to characters in Pride & Prejudice. It became distracting. If the author’s goal was to make Remembrance a modern day Pride & Prejudice she would have been better off marketing it that way. Or she would have been better off sticking to the actual story instead of putting enough in to be a distraction.
Reincarnation…was a copout for the plot. At one point in the story Lizzy tells Drew,
“I loved you from the moment I saw you, but now I’m finally beginning to understand why.” I kept thinking…explain it to me, because I don’t understand why you love him and why he loves you. I was left feeling like the only reason they loved each other was because they were supposed to. There was very little interaction between them before they declared themselves a couple. I saw an attraction, but there was nothing beyond that to show me they actually had genuine feelings for each other. I don’t know if the author was unsure of why they loved each other or if she didn’t know how to portray them falling in love, but the reincarnation really missed the mark.
There were some characters that I absolutely hated. I hated Liz’s boyfriend Jeremy and her best friend Chelsea. If the author’s intentions were for us to hate those two characters then she succeeded. I had no clue what Liz saw in Jeremy. He was abusive verbally and a couple of times I could easily see how it could escalate into physical abuse. When it comes to Chelsea…she is a horrible best friend. Last time I checked, it wasn’t required to check with your best friend, to see if it’s ok for you to break up with your creep of a boyfriend! Best friends are supposed to be there to listen to you and commiserate with you. Even before Drew broke up with Chelsea, Chelsea was horrible about Liz and Jeremy getting back together. She was not a friend.
This story had promise, and it could have been good, or even great, but it fell flat on so many levels.